
Tony BrinklowI have spent most of my adult life in academia and industry, where I have been able to put my science and mathematics learning to use on a daily basis, both in problem-solving roles, and in mentoring junior engineers under my wing.

Now, as a full-time science and maths tutor since 2016, I find there’s no greater reward than seeing a student who’s been struggling with a difficult concept finally understanding it, so they can continue on their own journey to success.

I live in Horsham, West Sussex, with my wife and son. In my spare time, I enjoy photography, cycling, and tennis.


PhD (1989): Radio Astronomy, Jodrell Bank observatory, Manchester University
BA (Hons) (1983): Physics, St Catharine’s College, Cambridge University
A-Levels (1980): Maths (A), Further Maths (B), and Physics (A, with Distinction)
O-Levels (1978): 8 including Maths (A), Physics (A), Chemistry (A), and Biology (A)